Please Note:
The color displayed in the product photo may not always accurately represent the color selected in your configuration. Therefore, the color you select, may be depicted differently in the photo, possibly appearing as a shade variation.

For example, you might select 'Pewter' but the product photo is actually representing 'Mist'.

Product shown is for illustration purposes only, due to its handmade nature slight variations in color and texture may occur. Please contact [email protected] to request physical samples of the finish you are looking for prior to purchasing.

Coming Soon

Cabo Linear Fire Pit

GFRC Concrete

Cabo Linear Fire Pit – GFRC Concrete

The Cabo is one of our low-profile fire pits. Its simplicity is elegant & appreciated. Its look & feel are what stand out, reinforced with glass fiber concrete it’s designed for durability & professionalism.

Product Dimensions:
56″L x 38″W x 16″H
66″L x 38″W x 16″H
90″L x 38″W x 16″H